Friday, July 27, 2007

Back Catalog Berserk

This is the first of our Back Catalog series in which we find something old and give you our delayed, yet comprehensive view on it to let you know if its worth your time or money. If you are into anime or have been thinking about getting into it then we have a review of a great anime series. Despite Benitron and I giving spoilers (and our late warning of it) it fleshes out the experience you get when catching this awesome series. If you agree with me liking the ending or felt like Benitron who wanted more feel free to comment.

Length: 25:04

High Quality Temporary Link: 34.4MB


Low Quality Permanent Link: 11.4MB

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

World Premiere: Games - Manhunt 2 Banned

The first show is up and you have the option of high quality and the faster download for a permanent low quality version. It’s all about Benitron and I talking about Manhunt 2 getting banned while playing some Sonic 3. Oh and the static you hear every once in a while is Benitron’s phone receiving calls… it has been banned from future shows.

Make sure to give feedback and comment to let us know if you agree or disagree. This show is as much about the listeners as it is about us and I hope to make the audience just as important as the content posted.

Length: 59:45

High Quality Temporary Link: 82MB

Low Quality Permanent Link: 27.4MB
Part 1:
Part 2:

Monday, July 16, 2007

PEN-15 Radio Preview 1

PEN-15 - Makes Me Murder

The true story of a man changed by the games he played.


This game makes me murder!

Insane from the violent games that you heard of!

Go back to class with a gat and straight burn em!

This makes me murder!

GTA makes me hurt em!

This game makes me murder!

MK makes me murder!

This game makes me murder!

Makes me murder!

Makes me murder!

Makes me murder!

When the Postal Dude goes to schools its a disaster.

No resistance shooting the congregation and pastors.

A master… of a massacre on the classroom.

Professional training complete once I passed Doom.

Forget high definition real life’s much gorier.

Cut Jigsaws out of flesh like phantasmagoria.

Learned to kill with normal objects thanks to Manhunt.

Stand up and execute with the silence of a phantom.

Make columbine a hundred times. Set off mines at holy shrines.

From behind execute lives. No one alive to criticize.

Satisfy your blood thirst eyes. Commit crimes and homicides.

Playing time you’ll quickly find. A murderer inside your mind.

Jack Thompson’s trying take away my Thrill Kill.

Hilary’s interference makes me wanna Kill Bill.

So hostel… every single time I shot something.

Pulling the trigger’s no different then clicking a mouse button.

My calculations per seconds, makes artificial intelligence's

Comprehension irrelevant, cuz my mental development.

So incredibly excellent, execute with no hesitance.

Brain telemetric are full of violence and expletives.

This game makes me murder!

Insane from the violent games that you heard of!

Go back to class with a gat and straight burn em!

This makes me murder!

GTA makes me hurt em!

50 bucks and an adult gets you M rated access.

I thank Rockstar for teaching me Grand Theft.

Vehicular manslaughter till Carmageddon arrives.

Bully finally revealed my homosexual side.

My guns they stay blazing , I have they brains wasted

Its more then fake claiming, lay em like Jade Raymond

Making her scream amen, deadliest man aiming.

Power levels super saiyin, I always stay playing.

Start an army with a team of Counterstrike players.

Didn’t even know about fucking till I played San Andreas.

Rip your spine out then tear the flesh from your bones.

Mortal Kombat babysat me when I was home alone.

Worship the diabolical, pray to the mythological.

Mentality so illogical, trained to be unstoppable.

A cure for me is impossible, calculating methodical.

Killing police officers, bodies filling up hospitals.

Stores should sell more bibles and holy cross.

Cuz no blood was ever shed over the word of god.

Weapons expert driving around in a stolen car.

My times up cuz I’m just another cause that’s lost.

Transform to Sephiroth, charging super bar.

So pass me molotovs, cars armed with rocket bombs

Onslaught on synagogues, fireballs are scorching all.

Alarms are sound off, 2nd form of final boss.

Blast cerebral bores, starting a world war.

En-tour-age of harmful dvd roms.

High significant odds, killer numbers so large.

We must quickly resolve, put Jack Thompson in charge.

This game makes me murder!

Insane from the violent games that you heard of!

Go back to class with a gat and straight burn em!

This makes me murder!

GTA makes me hurt em!

This makes me murder!

MK makes me murder!

This game makes me murder!

Makes me murder!

Makes me murder!

Makes me murder!

Monday, July 9, 2007

The strive towards greatness

Whether you've read this by accident, or just browsing the web, stop and ask yourself if you've ever really taken a step to do what you've wanted?

This blog, is something we feel that may answer this question. Maybe not for you personally, but for us, it's a stepping stone that might just point us in that right direction.

Destination? Greatness...something that everyone would like to achieve in their lifetime.

This place will be a spot where simple discussion takes place between friends/colleagues and what we feel is important to us and to those who share our interests.

Hopefully the next time you stop by, we may have something you'd like, or hate.